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Utility Trend


This season is all about practical wear. After a period of uncertainty and lack of social interaction, outdoor exploration has become one of today's essentials. Wondering how to make workable outfits look modern and hype-fashion? Well, we might have just the perfect items and tips for you here.

Inspired by workwear and great outdoors, our new collection for men provides you all the mobility you need with convenient clothes, useful pockets, and strong sneakers.

To help you style these items and create the coolest look ever, we invited Sergen, our Striper from Foot Locker Venlo, to join the shoot.

“When they asked me, I was very glad to get to experience a different kind of work as a Striper," Sergen says. What he liked the most about the shoot was meeting new people who love fashion as much as he does. "I liked the Nike/Jordan clothes because it was more neutral and my style," he explains. "Nike Air Max 2021 shoes fitted really comfortably with black Tech Fleece jogging pants. As for the upper, I wore a black oversized Jordan bomber jack with a white Nike Essential t-shirt. And I accessorized it with a small waist bag to put all kinds of stuff in it."

Do you want more fashion insights about trending modern utility outfits? Check out Sergen's picks and the whole new collection now!